The Miss France contest began in 1927 with the two creators Jean-Jules and Gustave Cousin. That year, the first “Miss France” was elected: Roberte Cusey. She will be the first of a long series of “most beautiful women of France”.
For some years, the name “Miss France” is not appreciated by everyone, it would not be legitimate because of the rather hard and numerous criteria of the selection to participate in this event.
In fact, looking at the evolution of the Misses, we can see them all thin, tall, slender, young and without defects.
Hair pulled to 4 pins, all pompous and fresh. A minimum height of 1.70m is required, as well as an age between 18 and 24 years.
At the time, the first question asked to the new Miss France was her measurements, a question that was obviously banned long ago.
This year, Miss France is renewed, and new rules are put in place.
The age limit imposed is erased, a young woman aged 28 years has been spotted on the podium to become Miss Haut de Seine 2022.
The first transgender candidate also presented herself for Miss Île-de-France, named Andrea Furet.
In addition, young women presenting themselves will no longer need to be single, married candidates and moms are now accepted too, with Miss Alsace Victoire Rousselot being the first mom and married contestant.
The rules have evolved, but so have the looks of the misses. They have changed a lot in the last decades. The dresses have become more surprising than the others to always come to delight our eyes.
30 candidates are on the podium this year for the sacred title of “Miss France”. The election will be held on December 17 in Châteauroux, in the Centre-Val de Loire.
We congratulate Indira Ampiot, Miss France 2023, and we are delighted with the advance of these new rules as the old rules have become more than obsolete…