Key Information

  • Duration: 3 years
  • Language: English
  • Campuses: Paris, Istanbul, Online
  • Next intakes: September 2024, January 2025, September 2025
  • Application fee: €150
  • Tuition fee/year:
    Paris €9,400
    Istanbul €9,400
    Online €6,500
  • Resource fee/year: €400


Program Structure

Please have a look at the modules of the 3 years:

First Year

Under the framework of Higher Education the first year corresponds to a HE Level 4. Students are following core modules in order to discover the universe of fashion business. They will acquire basic skills in marketing, communication, market research, human resources and accounting in order to lay the pedagogical foundation of their learning curve.

Module Groupings:

Marketing Foundations: is where students are going to be introduced to the world of marketing in a broad frame.

  • Basic Marketing Principles
  • Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Basic marketing Communication

Fashion Business: is the Module Grouping where students will be introduced to their career as entrepreneurs.

  • Basic Accounting and Statistics
  • Human Resources
  • Fashion Industry Cycle
  • Fashion Distribution Panorama
  • Fashion Branding

Fashion Environment: this is the very specific module to open the cores and specificities of a career in fashion, where students are guided to learn the basics of creation.

  • Garment Typology
  • Product Development
  • Color Theory and Design
  • Fashion Trends

Digital Fashion: is the Module Grouping that will challenge practical and electronic skills, needed to be proficiently owned by everyone in the industry.

  • Office Pack
  • Basic Internet Skills
  • Graphic Skills

Supporting Studies: Provides students with the tools necessary to develop their understanding of their personal, career and industry-based development.

  • Contemporary Fashion History:
  • Fashion Culture
  • Fashion News
  • Personal & Professional Development
  • Working Methodology

Second Year

Under the framework of Higher Education the second year corresponds to a HE Level 5. In this stage of their learning experience students are invited to specialize in Fashion Marketing. The focus is put on marketing communications with a perfect blend between business and creative modules.

Module Groupings:

Marketing Foundations: This module grouping is structured around both strategic and operational perspectives of Fashion Marketing in order to give students a profound and innovative comprehension of their discipline.

  • Strategic Marketing:
  • Media and Advertising
  • PR and Brand Communication
  • Retail Management
  • Buying and Merchandising
  • Visual Merchandising

Fashion Business: this second installment will allow students to further develop their business and entrepreneurial skills.

  • Finance and Budget
  • E-Fashion
  • Global Social Economics and Emerging Markets
  • Market Research

Fashion Environment: the modules composing this second installment focus on the construction of garments.

  • Textile Technology
  • Garment Production and Quality
  • Technical Files

Supporting Studies: In the second year this module grouping represents a platform towards developing further students’ professional and creative skills in order to make them market ready for their third year internship.

  • Preparation to Internship
  • Personal & Professional Development
  • Creative Writing 1 and 2

Digital Fashion: Students will implement the basics learnt during their first year module grouping in order to apply their skills to the creation of marketing collaterals.

  • Graphic Skills 2

Third Year

Under the framework of Higher Education the third year corresponds to a HE Level 6. In the final process of their learning experience students will mobilize all the transferrable skills previously acquired in order to overcome challenges posed by the development of their own personal project. Students electing the Fashion Marketing specialization will be required to produce a comprehensive marketing plan with a focus on branding and communication strategies.

In conjunction, students will have to complete a period of internship so as to apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical context.

FEDE Track

Students who choose to enroll in the FEDE Track must be enrolled in the IFA Paris Bachelor in Fashion Marketing (same admission requirements) and must have completed the first 2 years of the program. The ECTS accumulated during these 2 years will be transferred directly to the equivalence of the first 2 years of the FEDE European Bachelor in Fashion Marketing.

The registration fee for this parallel track is €437 and can be paid directly to FEDE or to IFA Paris before the third year.

In order to obtain the European Bachelor in Fashion Marketing, students will have to validate, in addition to their third year modules of the Bachelor Fashion Marketing IFA Paris, the following subjects:

Module 1 : Professional Experience – 42 ECTS

A module ranging from 300 to 390 hours of coursework which is structured around a marketing report and internship. Students enrolled in the third year of the Bachelor of Fashion Marketing at IFA Paris will benefit from an equivalence with their final integrated project and internship report (see program structure tab)

Module 2 : Language skills – 12 ECTS

A module of 80 to 100 hours based on the evaluation of written and oral skills in a European language chosen by the students.

Students can choose English, German, Spanish, French, Italian or Portuguese for Module 2. The language assessed must be different from the language used in the Module 3 and 4 exams.

Module 3 : The European project – 3 ECTS

A 40 to 60 hour module assessing students’ knowledge of European cultural and democratic institutions.

Module 4: Intercultural Management and Human Resources – 3 ECTS

A 40-60 hour module assessing students’ skills in navigating European intercultural organizational frameworks.

Please note that modules 3 and 4 will be taught by IFA Paris and that students who opt for the FEDE Option will have these modules added to their initial timetable. Language proficiency, the European project and the intercultural management and human resources modules will be assessed directly by FEDE during the examination sessions held in April and June of each year.

The parallel course between the Bachelor in Fashion Marketing at IFA Paris and the European Bachelor in Fashion Marketing at FEDE is as follows:

Student Workload over the 3 years:

Total Workload 3893 Hours
2257 Hours of Face to Face Lectures
1456 Hours of Self Study
180 Hours of Industry Networking

Admission Requirements

Fee Structure

Yearly tuition fee: €9,400
Resource fee: €400

Yearly tuition fee: €9,400
Yearly resource fee: €400
Health Insurance fee: €60 (fee is subject to Turkish Lira exchange rate)

Yearly tuition fee: €6,500
Resource fee: €400

Payment Terms:
Full payment must be made before the program start.
Early bird discount (10%) for tuition fee payments processed at least 7 months in advance of the program start date.

What is included in the Tuition Fee:

  • Microsoft Office Pack
  • Access to IFA’s Online Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Course Material
  • Lectures
  • Access to all guest lectures
  • Access to all campus talks

What is included in the Resource Fee:

  • Access to IFA Paris E-Library
  • Remote Access to WGSN

What is not included in the fees:

  • Expenses related to module specific materials (ex: purchase of fabrics, future boards…etc)
  • Printing and photocopying costs
  • Mailing costs for sending the third year project hard-copy to the regional centre students depend upon (for online students)
  • Any air fares and accommodation costs

Material Requirements (Online)

  • A recent computer with a recent operating system
  • A good internet connection
  • An up-to-date web browser (it would be advisable to ensure you have access to two separate web browsers)
  • Microphone & Headphones (a headset with microphone/headphones is recommended)
  • Webcam
  • Adobe Creative Cloud

Video Testimonials