IFA Paris fashion school is wrapping up its’ school year with an end-of-year fashion show at the Salon des Miroirs in Paris on Friday, July 8th, 2022. After having worked on their collections for a year, the fashion design students will present their work during this long-awaited show. All the creations that will be shown are based on the theme ‘Intuitive Divergence’, representing the new vision and goals of contemporary fashion.
Intuitive Divergence: fashion reinvents itself with the students of IFA Paris
In order to adapt to the constant evolution of the fashion industry, IFA Paris offers their students a
theme to prepare them for the future of fashion as the young artists they are. The theme “Intuitive Divergence” will propose avant-garde looks and collections. It is an opportunity for these future fashion professionals to surpass themselves and prepare for all the possible changes within this sector.
A fashion show to break the codes of our society
The students will be exhibiting their unique, original and personal collections. Fashion is above all a unique means of expression, open to all. They have the opportunity to convey a message, an idea or a commitment in which they believe. Students from the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program stepped in to help with casting of models of diverse backgrounds, to break the codes and to get closer to a reality uninhibited and objective with regard to what is currently happening in our society.
This fashion show highlights the many skills acquired this year by the budding artists, making them capable of dealing with the various challenges of contemporary fashion.
The show will be live on our Instagram account (@ifaparis) on July 8th, starting from 6 – 6:15 pm Paris time.
For more infos on the fashion design programs of which students will present their designs, please visit:
Bachelor Fashion Design & Technology
Master of Arts Contemporary Fashion Design