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IFA Paris becomes a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Institute

Every educational institution should operate in symbiosis with its' students.

Through courses given in Sustainable Fashion, our objective is to raise the awareness of tomorrow's designers and managers to the need to combine the school's interest with the general interest.

In order to provide quality education, we must ourselves be attentive to the societal problems of our community. Therefore since September 1st 2018, IFA Paris has initiated a procedure to become a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) type company. Our focus, both pedagogical and operational, is on promoting a fashion industry that is resolutely more ethical by trying to limit its environmental and societal impact with the greatest respect for mankind.

More than a trend, eco-responsible consumption is a necessity to contribute to the protection of our planet. The fashion industry is particularly concerned by this issue, ranking third among the most polluting sectors of activity. With 120 billion clothes produced annually, this volume is the sad consequence of a progressive drift of fast fashion. Exploitation of excessive raw materials, relocation of production sites, barely hidden child subcontracting, greenhouse gas emissions... the list is long and not exhaustive.

However, there is a willingness on the part of some actors in the sector to act by promoting sustainable fashion, particularly through their own brands.

Slow fashion that tends to empower producers and consumers with a marked preference for natural or recycled materials, articles produced in a short circuit in respect of human rights... Consuming less, but consuming better!

A reflection that implies having been sensitized on this issue. We transmit these values to our students who, as future actors and leaders, must be educated about new business challenges and have assimilated the tools to respond to them. The implementation of CSR will become essential in the coming years, so it is vital that these future professionals be able to place it at the heart of all strategies.

IFA PARIS Brochure

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