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Le New Black Project: 7 Ideas on what the Showroom of Tomorrow will Look Like

Posted on 17/10/2021

Before the pandemic, the fashion world was rather closed to digital technologies. By being forced to find new ways to present their collections, brands have finally started this transition which has enabled them to attract a new audience.

Given the success of this transition, it is more than likely that future showrooms will continue to rely on these technologies to gather a wider audience that can follow fashion weeks and shows from a distance. Moreover, digital technology offers unlimited possibilities for the staging of fashion shows.

It’s in this context that Le New Black, an innovative solution for brands and retailers to do business together, offered IFA Paris MBA Fashion & Luxury Marketingstudents to come up with innovative solutions to create tomorrow’s showrooms.

Thus, 7 groups of students mixing both programs, worked very hard to present to le New Black never seen before concepts integrating the latest technologies.

Le New Black digital solution

Le New Black digital solution

Among these 7 groups, Glocal envisioned a future of fashion both physical and digital, called today phygital, by offering a conceptual experience in which a virtual reality is created to display the garments. Patrons can be digitalised, and garments 3D scanned.

As for Glamify, they thought of a virtual showroom with adjustable lightening to see the garment in different contexts. Garments would be displayed in 3D with a 360 degrees view. A voice activation and a chat tool will be set up to allow buyers to ask questions on the garments on display.

Paradigm offers a virtual showroom concept in which garments will be first digitally designed and shown worn by virtual models before being ordered and sent to production to limit overproduction.

LNB Couture presented a B2C concept through a platform that connects emerging designers from all over the world to customers that will allow for fully customised designs.

Le New Black Virtual Showroom

Le New Black Virtual Showroom

Regarding Tech à la mode, they focused on the sense of touch, one of the most solicited sense in a traditional showroom. To reproduce this sensation, Tech à la mode uses the Haptic technology, a communication system that allows users to conceive, model and manipulate objects in a virtual environment by applying forces, vibrations or motions.

EnterCommune offers to enhance Le New Black’s platform users experience by incorporating sounds and colours to create a unique atmosphere and setting a personalised interactive interface together with a platform that will allow users to interact.

As for Confashional, they imagined a platform, similar to a social media, on which emerging designers can exchange with seasoned designers. This platform will come with a plug-in which provides instant translation so that everyone can exchange in their native language. The aim of this platform is to create an international fashion community.

Without a doubt, Le New Black will find among all these concepts the solutions that will allow them to keep innovating.

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