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Alumni Interview: Reneilwe Sebulela, Bachelor Fashion Marketing

In this monthly series, IFA Paris alumni share how their studies at IFA Paris has paved the way to land their dream job. This month, we sit down with Reneilwe Sebulela, graduate of Bachelor Fashion Marketing & Management, where she tells us how being in the city of light while studying at IFA Paris, inspired her to start her fashion, lifestyle and travel blog - PatriciaBlacc.

Get to know:

Name: Reneilwe Sebulela
Nationality: South African
IFA Campus: Paris
Program studied: Bachelor Fashion Marketing & Management
Favourite course: Fashion Marketing - you learn fashion and business at the same time...a win-win.
Current project: Fashion and Lifestyle Entrepreneurship
Fashion inspiration: Vogue. It is a household name that I one day hope to compete with. I want to grow my personal brand to those heights.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background g who you are, where you come from and what got you interested in studying fashion.

I am a South African girl who is deeply in love with the creative industry - from fashion to lifestyle and travelling. I grew up believing that I am capable of achieving anything that I set my mind to, and moving to France was a sheer testament to that. I have the biggest dreams that I intend on making possible, with one step at a time and strategy, I hope to put my country on the map. What got me to study fashion? Well that’s simple ... who doesn’t love fashion?

What are you currently doing and what’s most exciting about it?

Whilst in Paris, I founded my blog, PatriciaBlacc, which has now become a brand that I use to create content and work with brands in influencing. I have also founded my own lifestyle conglomerate, BlaccGroup, that aims at providing various services from consulting and branding to event management.

At the moment, I am working on my latest company - Blacc Home, a bespoke homeware brand that offers luxurious homeware pieces from tableware to blankets, pillows and cutlery, just to name a few.

I am super excited to be working on myself and my brands because they are things that I am passionate about. I have always wanted to use my creativity in creating something of my own.

What skills did you learn at IFA Paris that helps you in your current role?

People skills. I am constantly liaising with people, having to network and making contacts so IFA Paris taught me how to conduct myself in appropriate manners that put me in positions that would see me being successful.

Time management skills. The deadlines, the constant work load and the pressure to create and be great at all times whilst being timely, was something that IFA Paris prioritized. Being there taught me that in the fashion industry, it is important to be timely and to be organized so that you are able to be as efficient as possible while producing work of a high standard.

In four words, describe your IFA Paris experience:

Different, eventful, interesting, unique.

What words of wisdom do you have for current and any future IFA Paris students?



Know what you want and how you want to execute it. Having a vision of what you want to be will set you on the right track when it comes to doing work and submitting work that the lecturers will be happy with.

Make the right friends. At IFA Paris and in the industry - you quickly learn that it is not always about what you know, but who you know. Having the right friends can lead you to having the right connections and that is priceless.

Time yourself. The work load may seem like it’s a lot - but really it’s not. You just need to space out your deadlines and your work so that you finish in advance and lessen your stress when it comes to tests and exams.

If you could choose things to include for an IFA Paris “survival toolkit”, what would they be?

  • Laptop (it is literally the only thing you use 24/7)
  • Pen (there are times when you won’t think you’ll need it, but you will!)
  • Water bottle and snacks (classes get really long and sometimes you need to pass time, so trust me when I say that these will get you through the days)
  • USB (just because it is always handy to save your work on an external device)

Reneilwe's top tips for: Paris

Cheap eats: Bio Burger was definatley my favourite!! Ugh so yummy burger and fries for 13 euros.
Place to hangout with friends: Bastille Park was my favourite. We would have picnics there all the time, especially on Sundays.
Getting around: The metro. Having a student Navigo (travel pass) makes your life 100% easier - and cheaper.
Relaxing: I did most of this indoors, in my apartment with a great bowl of fruits and calming music.
Favourite word in local language: It’s so random but it’s "donc" (therefore), hahaha!

Find more information on program pursued by Reneilwe: Bachelor Fashion Marketing & Management

It is also available online for distance learning.

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